That One Time I Thought She Was The One
Los Angeles, Date EJ Los Angeles, Date EJ

That One Time I Thought She Was The One

I couldn’t have been more hopeful that she was the one for sure. We initially met on online and the chemistry was out of this world. I feel like we connected on so many levels. Her Instagram showed that she lived an interesting life. I also looked her up on Facebook prior to us meeting and everything seemed to pan out.

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That One Time Her FaceTime “Wasn’t Working”
Los Angeles, Date EJ Los Angeles, Date EJ

That One Time Her FaceTime “Wasn’t Working”

So after talking with this woman for what seemed like forever, I kept asking the question of, “When would we meet for our first date for the first time?” And all I kept getting in response was, “Work has been really busy. I’m a writer for the Screen Actors Guild and there’s been so much going on.” But she did have time to talk over the phone for 30 to 45 minutes at a time, just not on FaceTime apparently.

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